Free SSL certificate https makes browser prompt security green
Buy a host on the host front and send an SSL certificate, so that your website will start with https, and the browser will prompt security to turn green, as shown in the figure
[av_button label='Purchase host and get free SSL' link='manually,' link_target='_blank' size='small' position='left' icon_select='yes' icon='ue824′ font='entypo-fontello' color='orange' custom_bg='#444444′ custom_font='#ffffff' av_uid='av-61gwp9′]
What is an SSL certificate
SSL is an acronym for Secure Socket Layer. It might sound complicated, but it's not. An SSL certificate verifies your website's identity and encrypts information transmitted to and from visitors to your website. This prevents information thieves from monitoring communications between you and your customers.
By securing your website with an SSL certificate, your customers can rest assured that the information they enter on any secure page will remain confidential and cannot be viewed by cyber crooks. Installing certificates and securing your server is easier with our
What are the benefits of having an SSL certificate for my website?
An SSL certificate inspires trust and shows visitors that you take their privacy seriously.SSL certificateProtect sensitive customer information such as names, addresses, passwords, or credit card numbers by encrypting data transmitted to and from a computer and web server. SSL is the standard for web security, and for most merchant account services,server certificateare required. If you plan on accepting credit cards on your website, you do too.
Improve search ranking, which is conducive to SEO optimization
Google prefers https-encrypted websites and will rank these websites higher in search results. So, Hostfront SSL not only protects your customers, but also helps you find more of them.
Now, wedeliverComodo SSL certificate
Comodo, an American software company, is one of the world's leading providers of IT security services and SSL certificates. The SSL certificate launched in this cooperation does not require additional operations, you only need to resolve the domain name bound to the space to the IP assigned by the space panel.
The SSL features we provide:
1. Mainstream browser 99.9% security certification;
2.All domain names are given away for free to all customers, with no limit on the number;
3.Server auto-configuration, no additional operations are required, and the domain name binding configuration will be completed within 24 hours;
4. If you are not going to use it, it will not affect the current website data.
Setup Tutorial
1. Please log in to the space CPanel first
2. Find "SSL/TLS"
3. Click "Manage SSL Sites"
4. Click "Certificate Details", if the issuer is displayed as "cPanel Inc" in the figure, the configuration is successful.
After the certificate is configured, it can be accessed through https, and the access effect is as follows
Reminder: If there is http in the site connection, including CSS, JS, internal links to pictures, external links, etc., the browser will not prompt security, and the code needs to be adjusted
After successfully using https, we found that it can still be accessed through http, so in the last step, we can set redirection through .htaccess to force https access.
[av_button label='Setting Tutorial' link='post,5546′ link_target='_blank' size='small' position='left' icon_select='yes' icon='ue837′ font='entypo-fontello' color=' orange' custom_bg='#444444′ custom_font='#ffffff' av_uid='av-4qv3gt'] [av_button label='Purchase host and get free SSL' link='manually,' link_target='_blank' size='small' position='left' icon_select='yes' icon='ue824′ font='entypo-fontello' color='orange' custom_bg='#444444′ custom_font='#ffffff' av_uid='av-34lehp']