genesis mining coin collection diagram

I joined genesis mining in November 2016 and bought a minimum sha256 computing power to try. Currently, the collection of coins is stable. I have been using the Bitcoin China Wallet to collect coins. The following is the payment diagram of genesis mining for half a year. Coins, if you sell them, the average is 0.4 yuan per day. If you don’t sell them and wait for the value to rise, that’s not bad.
Friends who want to do genesis mining should pay attention, the theory is that the return time is 1 year, which is relatively long. When the currency rises, it will be very fast. Last year, the unit price of Litecoin was more than 20, and now it is 136 (May 6, 2017) (November 16, 2017 - 523 yuan). Too bad I sold most of them too early. . It's all tears.
related question:
How many coins can I receive every day?
This is not a fixed value, but what can be calculated is that there is only so much equivalent to RMB. If the value of the currency rises, the less currency you will receive, and if it falls, the more you will receive.
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