当前最新版本:Permalink manager pro

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WordPress Fully Custom Permalink/Permalink Management

$ 5

  • CNY: ¥ 36
  • HKD: HK$ 39
  • TWD: NT$ 161

Edit your Wordpress permalinks any way you want!
Take full control of your permalinks and improve your SEO score! With Permalink Manager you can bypass Wordpress rewrite rules and edit the entire URL address, not just the slug!
Permalink Manager Pro allows you to easily customize posts, pages, custom post types, categories, tags, custom taxonomies and WooCommerce store personal URL addresses. You can also use it to translate or batch change permalink formats.

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SKU: permalink manager pro Category: Tags: , , , ,


WooCommerce Permalink Manager

Remove from your WooCommerce permalinks in less than 2 minutes/product-category/,/product-tag/, or customize your URL to exactly match your requirements.

Additionally, you can use"URI Editor"Edit permalinks for all WooCommerce pages, products, taxonomies individually, and also set public URLs for WooCommerce coupon codes to automatically apply discounts when links are used.

Improve your SEO performance

Tired of unwelcome 404 error pages? Permalink Manager Pro will automatically (if enabled in settings) create redirects for all custom permalinks used previously.

You can also decide if you want to link visitors from your native permalinkRedirect and set additional URL redirects or aliases for each post, page or term.

Bulk edit permalinks

use"Regenerate/Reset"Tool to regenerate native slugs or apply new permalinks settings (permastructures) to all or selected posts/pages/terms in just a few clicks.

use"Find and Replace"Tool to replace or delete any word in permalinks or fully automate the process and remove user defined permalinks from default permalinks"stop words".

Full support for all post types and categories

The permalink manager is fully compatible with native post types:Pages, Posts and Categories: Categories and Tags.

It works not only for WooCommerce products, product tags or category permalinks, but also for those controlled by third-party plugins or themesAll custom post types and taxonomies.

Include extra tools

With Permalink Manager you can also control the unitCanonical redirectionfeature and decide if it should be appended at the end of the permalinktrailing slash.

Permalink Manager is the only supported plugin that works withAdvanced Custom FieldsCompatible and allows the use of permalinks incustom field.

No permalink duplicates!

The possibility to edit full permalinks can lead to undesired duplication of permalinks in some cases. If this happens, an alert will be prompted below the custom URI field.

by using"Tools -> Permalink Duplicates"section, you can easily check which posts, pages or term permalinks should be changed to keep all website URLs unique.

permalink manager pro in Chinese

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Theme/plugin installation method

Installation method one:
Directly upload the (theme/plug-in) zip package to the WordPress backend, install it and activate it.
[Theme installation method] Appearance-Theme-Add new theme-Upload theme zip package
[Plug-in installation method] Plug-in-Add new plug-in-Upload plug-in zip package

Installation method two:
FTP upload [theme] to the website root directory /wp-content/theme/ below
FTP upload [plug-in] to the website root directory /wp-content/plugins/ below

How to use Chinese documents

The default Chinese file is already included in the theme/plug-in file package. If there is an independent Chinese file, use the following method to upload it
FTP upload [theme Chinese file] to the root directory of the website under /wp-content/languages/themes
FTP upload [plug-in Chinese file] to the root directory of the website under /wp-content/languages/plugins

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