
Gravity Forms Advanced Forms updated to v2.6.9

wordpress theme plugin upgrade log

- Added a new environment variable to hide background update settings.
- Added a new environment variable to control update messages and unregistered license messages.
– Updated the icon for the password field.
– Updated the minimum WordPress version on the System Status page to 6.0.
- Fixed editor jumping to top of form when opening options popup in conflict-free mode.
– Fixed an issue that caused hidden inputs to render in the form editor's autocomplete UI.
– Fixed exporting entries with multiple multi-column list fields not creating separate columns for each list field row. Image credit: ForGravity.
– Fixed an issue that caused the product to display images as HTML in email notifications.
- Fixed some admin notifications causing the error: "The email could not be sent because the recipient address is invalid".
- Fixed an issue that caused the "Enable Additional Choices" setting for option-based fields (radio boxes, checkboxes, etc.) to not display in the options popup when the quiz add-on was enabled.
– Fixed an issue where the `gform_require_login` filter was not being called in all contexts where a form required login.
– API: Added [gform_uninstalling](https://docs.gravityforms.
– API: Added [gform_form_pre_process_async_task]( filter.
– API: Updated GFAPI::send_notifications() method to support asynchronous (background) processing of notifications. Disabled by default. Use the [gform_is_asynchronous_notifications_enabled]( filter to enable.

Download Gravity Forms v2.6.9 Chinese Sinicization

Gravity Forms Advanced Forms

About Langhua Island

Wordpress foreign trade website, B2B enterprise display, B2C online store, B2B2C platform, Wordpress theme and plugin translation

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