Enfold updated to v4.7.5

Feature: New alignment option for ALB elements "Special Heading"
Feature: Input field to add custom subject text for ALB contact form autoresponder emails
Features: ALB Easy Slider, Full Width Easy Slider, Transition Effect Speed Options in Full Screen Slider
FEATURE: Added option to customize title and alt attributes in ALB image elements
Function: Select the title font size added to the ALB icon box element
Feature: Theme Options Customize Font Display Behavior (Performance -> Show Advanced Options)
FIXED: Accordion slider hides some slide items after closing lightbox
Fixed: small typo in map
Fixed: WC 4.0 incorrectly grouped product and quantity buttons not working
Fixed: Transparent logo missing alt and title attributes when attachment URL instead of ID
Fixed: bbPress and custom footer pages not displaying correctly on some pages
Fixed: CSS bug accordion hidden under "Colors" special heading
Fixed: WP 5.4 block editor broke ALB layout on backend
Fixed: Removed wrong href in div with id="av-cookie-consent-badge"
Fix: Removed wp_nonce check in reCaptcha V3 to avoid issues with caching plugins
Fixed: "block editor" JS warning "core/editor" deprecated
FIXED: Switching ALB back to classic editor's broken layout and js bug (related to WP 5.4?)
Fixed: CSS issue with equal heights after a single height column forms a grid
FIXED: WP 5.4 block editor with ALB - scrolling bug when dragging ALB elements
Fixed: Added a check that $ posts is an array in helper-assets.php - caused by third-party plugins
FIXED: Moved values in color picker (theme options page)
Fixed: Typo in message text
Fix: plugin conflict incorrectly called filter display_post_states
Fixed: CSS transparent header padding top for custom footer pages
Fixed: ALB column options are not saved after resizing elements
Fixed: Animation not firing when element calls label directly
Added: filter avf_transparency_logo_data: modify transparency logo url, title, alt attributes
Added: filter avf_before_save_options_page_array: modify theme options array before saving to database
Added: filter ava_after_layout_builder_button: Add button after ALB toggle button
Added to post in postslider.php: class post-format-{$ post_format}
Added: filter avf_attachment_copyright_text - Allows filtering of copyright text in ALB image elements
Added: filter avf_page_as_footer_extra_classes - Adds classes for styling "page as footer"
Tweak: support empty array required in admin options array
Tweak: New option "Remove query strings from static resources" in Performance->Show advanced options
Tweak: Moved link settings to the "Content" tab of all ALB button elements
Tweak: Ensure function aviaFontManagementBase::get_font_list returns an array
Updated: LayerSlider plugin bundled to v6.11.1
IMPORTANT: LayerSlider changes the internal directory structure - when updating manually, please delete the folder ...\themes\enfold\config-layerslider
Updated: Italian file
Updated: Dutch documentation
Added: Greek language file
Tweaks: All language files synced - obsolete strings removed - enfold.pot is template file for "Loco Translate" plugin
Enfold v4.7.5 download address https://5566.site/theme2.html