
layerslider Simplified/Traditional updated to 6.11.1

wordpress theme plugin upgrade log

This is a huge update designed for maximum compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress and other popular plugins. It also includes important security patches, new features, bug fixes, and all important breaking changes. Everyone must update this version.
This release includes important security patches.
GUTENBERG block improvements
Added new alternate options for slider layout mode.
Now it automatically updates to reflect the changes made in the slider.
You can now quickly edit embedded sliders directly from the Gutenberg editor.
Added block previews, various UI improvements, and more.
Updated LayerSlider Gutenberg tutorial video
Layer element widget
LayerSlider now comes with a dedicated Elementor widget that includes every feature a Gutenberg block has.
It also comes with full live editing with live sliders.
You don't need to leave Elementor to access the full-featured Slider Builder to quickly edit embedded sliders. Changes will be reflected in real time.
Using LayerSlider with Elementor Tutorial Video
Improvements to the native WordPress LayerSlider Widget are also now more compatible with Elementor if you need a fallback for the dedicated Elementor Widget.
Added a new LayerSlider menu to the WordPress top toolbar. It provides an easy way to navigate to LayerSlider, create a new slider, or quickly open your last edited or published slider.
This release also comes with a set of optimizations. To reduce the size of the plugin installation file, the image editor is now an external component that is automatically downloaded and then available locally the first time you try to access it.
LayerSlider now supports HTML element, which is often used with the WebP image format.
The entire popup can now be reopened by selecting the "Reset Slider" option for the "Reset on Close" setting.
You can now use the data-ls-popup-slide property to open a popup containing a specific slide.
Various fixes when using the "Hide Below", "Hide Above" or "Hide on Mobile" options under the Slider Settings → Mobile section. This is especially affected by popups triggered by page scrolling, hero sliders, and parallax animations.
Improvements to LayerSlider → Options → System Status.
Fixed a potential deactivation issue for The7 theme users.
User interface fixes and improvements.
Under the hood optimizations and performance improvements.
Many other small improvements and bug fixes.
technical changes
Slider IDs are now always randomly assigned in the generated tags to avoid collisions in various situations.
The _initLayerSlider() function was introduced as a shortcut to safely and more gracefully initialize the slider.
This update will enable the LayerSlider → Options → Advanced → "Use GreenSock (GSAP) Sandbox" option for maximum compatibility.
wp_redirect() and admin_url() are used everywhere, so security plugins and similar solutions that might override URLs work fine with LayerSlider.
Fixed a PHP bug affecting some servers using PHP 5.4 and below.
Fixed PHP undefined debug messages and eliminated some deprecation notices.
For developers
This release contains very important fixes to maximize compatibility with the TGMPA classes used for plugins in bundled themes. Mainly to fix an issue that could prevent users from receiving LayerSlider updates from theme authors.
Added deprecation warnings when using lsSliderById() and lsSliders() functions.
LayerSlider is now packaged differently. March 11, 2020
We've made changes to the way LayerSlider is packaged. This only affects customers who will be newly installing the plugin. The already installed version will work as before, and you won't notice any changes at all.


layerslider6.11.1 Chinese simplified/traditional download address

About 浪花岛

Wordpress foreign trade website, B2B enterprise display, B2C online store, B2B2C platform, Wordpress theme and plugin translation

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